Our Complaints Policy
Wren Hall has a complaints policy, which is displayed in the entrance to the Home. All Family members are given a copy on admission and relatives are made aware of it. Staff new to Wren Hall are given a Staff Information Handbook, which contains a copy of that policy. The Quality System Manual deals with complaints and there are specific procedures dealing with the subject. Records are kept of all complaints made and includes the details of any investigations and actions taken.
Under the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and the Children's Act 1989, you have the right to make a complaint and the management at Wren Hall Nursing Home have a duty to respond promptly and fairly.
You can use the following to help improve the Homes' services to you. All comments, complaints and suggestions are welcome. This is in order to help us to ensure that Wren Hall delivers the best possible service to both Family members and staff.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is when you inform the management you are not satisfied with the quality of type of service you are receiving. Your complaint could be about:
The lack of nursing care
A delay in receiving nursing care
The conduct or attitude of Wren Hall staff
The choice of meals
Discrimination because of your race, sex or disability
Who can complain?
Any user of Wren Hall's faciliaties, it includes Family members, relatives, visitors and staff.
How can you complain?
Talk to the person in charge at the time of the cause of your complaint. Alternatively speak to the Manager or Nurse-in-Charge at your earliest opportunity. Your complaint may be verbal or in writing.
Who might help you besides your relatives or friends?
Voluntary organisations
Citizens Advice Bureaux
Advocacy groups
Community Health Council
Nursing Home Inspection Unit
What will happen next?
The Manager or Nurse-in-Charge will contact you to discuss your complaint. You may have someone with you at all times for support, such as a relative, friend or advocate.
Your complaint will be investigated by the Manager or Nurse-in-Charge, but if it cannot be resolved it will be passed onto the Directors of the Nursing Home.
Informal complaints will be investigated and resolved within twenty four hours. Formal and more serious complaints will be acknowledged in writing within forty eight hours giving an assurance that a response will be within seven days.
In exceptional circumstances these timescales may be unachievable. If this is the case you will be notified at the earliest opportunity.
If you are not satisfied with either the progress of your complaint or the outcome, you can ask for an independent review. This can be done by you contacting the:
What will happen next?
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Eastern Region,
City Gate,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE1 4PA.
Tel: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171
Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk
Family members funded by Social Services may, as an alternative, contact the appropriate office of Social Services.
All persons making a complaint will be notified of the results of the investigations and any actions taken, in writing.