Staffing levels at Wren Hall exceed the staffing notice issued by the NHS on our opening, and the expectations for the Care Quality Commission. The Home currently employs 145 staff which include:
Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Associate
Registered Mental Health Nurse
Registered General Nurses
Business Coordinator
Training/Quality Coordinator
Care Coordinators
Care Assistants
Administrative Assistants
General Assistant
Catering Manager
Kitchen Assistants
Day Centre/Activities Co-ordinator
The Home operates a shift system for all personnel to give continuous daily cover in all sections of its care service. During peak times of activity staff numbers are higher when Family members' needs are greater, reducing during the overnight shift. At all times the person-in-charge is a registered nurse. As part of its essential records an off-duty rota is prepared and maintained showing which staff are on duty at any one time
All staff in whatever capacity have undergone some formal training either internally within the Nursing Home or externally at local colleges. At least 85% of all staff have a minimum qualification to NVQ Level 2, with 64% having higher qualifications.
Staff are recruited locally and often apply because they have been informed of the vacancy by an existing member of staff. Wren Hall operates a formal system of staff recruitment and the responsibility for staff selection falls to the Manager. Family members and Relatives sit on our interview panels and have a say on who they would like to see appointed. References are obtained before appointing a new member of staff who must work a period of three month's probation before being confirmed in post. New staff are given an induction package in their first few weeks of employment and must participate in a programme of induction usually under the supervision of a mentor.
Wren Hall operates a staff appraisal system and interviews take place twice a year to identify an individual's progress and training needs. Staff supervision sessions take place at intervals of every two months as a tool to enhance each individual's performance. In-house training, together with external courses at local colleges are a regular feature of the Home's development and training programme which is revised and up-dated annually.