Wren Hall Nursing Home uses a range of mechanisms to protect Family members' well-being. All entry and exit doors are alarmed to alert us to unauthorised access. The entrance door is operated by a coded keypad to ensure the safety of those Family members who like to walk.
We have a range of nurse call options that will suit most of our Family members' needs.
All staff are thoroughly vetted and once appointed are trained and developed to enhance their performance and the quality of the care they deliver.
Within Wren Hall Nursing Home all Family members can be assured that they will be protected from abuse or mistreatment. Management maintains a policy of zero tolerance to all acts of abuse/mistreatment whether it is deliberate, through negligence or ignorance on behalf of the staff.
Procedures are in place giving guidance to staff about dealing with violence, abuse at work and mistreatment of Family members. "Whistle blowing" on colleagues is a policy of the Nursing Home and it is detailed in the Wren Hall Staff Handbook which is issued to all staff members when they commence employment. It is available for others to read.
Every allegation of abuse/violence and mistreatment will be promptly investigated by the Manager. If proven appropriate action will be taken and in some instances the dismissal of the person(s) may result. All details of the incident and investigation and evidence will be documented.
Where necessary, any member of staff dismissed and thought to be unsuitable to work with vulnerable elders will be referred to the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Register for consideration that they be black-listed.
A procedure entitled "A Family members Property and Valuables" together with various Policies deals with the way a Resident's financial affairs and property are handled.
At Wren Hall you can be assured that your legal rights will be protected. Family members are registered on the list of electors and are given opportunity to vote in both local and national elections. If you cannot easily participate in the voting process and express a wish to take part then you will be given every assistance by Wren Hall Staff. Where you prefer assistance from an independent advocate this will be arranged.
You are encouraged to have active participation in the decisions that affect the day to day facilities available to you.