Safe Working Practices
Wren Hall Nursing Home Limited ensures as far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of all persons entering the Nursing Home and its grounds.
The Management recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety Act Work Act 1974 and subsequent Regulations.
Breifly there are:
The need to provide for all employees, Family members and visitors an environment that is as healthy and safe as is reasonably practicable.The responsibility for creating and maintaining such an environmentTo arrange and give adequate training to all employees to ensure they know what they must contribute
All activities under Management's control are continually assessed and reviewed with regards to health and safety criteria. Our Management consider the statutory requirements as the minimum acceptable and will strive to achieve standards superior to those required by law.
To ensure safe working practices throughout the Nursing Home and gardens the Management maintain a Quality System with procedures covering the following:
Manual Handling
Actions in Case of Fire
Storage and Cooking of Food
Control of Infection and Food Poisoning
Secure Storate of DrugsSelf Administration of Drugs
Drug Misuse/Poisoning
Kitchen and General Hygiene
Sharps Injuries and Disposal of Clinical Waste
As well as the above procedures there are others dealing with admission, care and treatment of Family members and working instructions covering the every-day activities such as personal hygiene, bathing and ear and eye care.
Risk assessment is an on-going activity covering various areas and operations within the Nursing Home, including the manual handling of Family members.
Chemicals used in the cleaning of the Nursing Home are securely stored and only available to the Cleaning or Kitchen Staff.
The three heating systems which provide the Nursing Home with its constant ambient temperature are serviced regularly by approved engineers, as are the electrical system and all electrical equipment. This includes kitchen and laundry equipment, the passenger lift and the various hoists for Family members.
Water for use within the Home for baths, showers and washbasins is strictly controlled to a temperature around 43°C and a check of this temperature is carried out and recorded weekly. The temperature of each bath given is recorded prior to a resident being immersed
All windows in the Nursing Home are restricted to prevent the possibility of Family members from risk of falling out whether they are vulnerable or not.
The driveway and pathways where people need to walk are kept free of leaves in the autumn and ice and snow during the winter periods by the handyman.
The main entrance door is fitted with a security lock, which in normal hours can be accessed by pressing a switch on the exterior. Leaving the premises is achieved by putting a code number into the system. This ensures that Family members cannot go outside the Home unless supervised.